PVSEC-34 Abstract Stylesheet.doc
I. Academic exchange topics
Session topics | Session chair |
Area1. | Meicheng Li, Xinhua Zhong, Paola Vivo, Feng Gao, Hin Lap Yip, Fei Huang |
Area2. Perovskite and tandem solar cells and modules | Xiaodan Zhang, Shengzhong Liu, Liyuan Han, Baomin Xu, Ulrich Paetzold |
Area3. Thin film compound semiconductor solar cells | Yaohua Mai, Xiangxin Liu, Yi Zhang, Xiaojing Hao, Shigeru Niki |
Area4. III-V compound semiconductor, concentrator and space technologies | Qiang Sun, Jielei Tu, Kenji Araki, N. J. Ekins Daukes |
Area5. Materials, cells and modules of crystalline Silicon PV | Wenjing Wang,Zhengxin Liu, Xuegong Yu, Kaining Ding, Jun Lv, Wenzhong Shen, Takuya Matsui |
Area6. Performance and Reliability of PV modules | Xiao Yuan, Zhen Zhang, Jun Tang, Atsushi Masuda, Jun Wang, Keisuke Ohdaira |
Area7. PV system and BOS | Meiqin Mao, Shimin Li, Liang Ji, Yanhu Zhang, Yunfeng Liu, Liuchen Chang, Benzhong Chen |
Area8. Grid integration of PV system | Jianhui Su, Yibo Wang, Jie J. Chang, Nikos D. Hatziargyou |
Area9. PV business model, policy and standard | Junjun Zhang, Haitao Liu, Izumi Kaizuka, Zhengxin Liu |
II. Requirements for papers
(I) Requirements for submission:
1. Concrete detail, novelty, rich academic research value, representative of the latest research development in PV field
2. The paper shall contain no confidential information. All responsibilities and consequences related to any accidental or non-accidental disclosure of confidential information shall be solely borne by the paper’s author.
3. The paper shall be submitted by uploading to the official conference website (Submission address:https://www.pvsec-34.com/submission/guidelines/). Only the English version will be accepted. Uploading is unavailable before registration and logging in.
4. The paper’s theme for interaction shall be selected with a prescribed scope. Each paper shall be provided with a 2-3 pages long abstract(About 2000 words , template can be found in the top attachment). The format of the paper shall follow the Word format used in the long abstract.
5. The paper’s long abstracts will be reviewed by the steering committee before being accepted. The interaction of papers for this conference has two presentation forms: Oral report paper and poster paper. With consideration of the author’s personal choice, the steering committee of the conference will decide the interactive pattern for each paper.
(II) Requirements for drafting the long abstract for the paper (with reference to the long abstract format)
1. Requirements for content: must contain research background, core content, brief introduction of process, result and discussion, conclusion, reference and relevant diagrams and tables.
2. Requirements for headline: font size 20, centered, bold Times (English/number), the headline shall be concise and accurate. Acronyms are not encouraged. In general, the headline shall not exceed 20 words.
3. Requirements for abstract, keywords and main body formats: font size 11 Times (English/number), the long abstract shall be about two pages in roughly 2000 words.
4. Author’s name: under the headline, centered, font size 10, bold Times New Roman (English/number). The name of the first author must be underlined.
5. Author’s organization: The author’s organization shall be written in full name under the author’s name, centered, font size 10 Times New Roman (English/number)
6. Author’s brief introduction: please mention the corresponding author’s name in the abstract, the research direction, E-mail and other information, use font size 6.
7. Reference: font size small 5, Times New Roman (English/number), use the following formats: [periodical], according to the following order: author, year, name of periodical, volume number, starting page number, e.g. [1] Shahverdiev E M, Shore K A 2005 Phys. Rev. E 71 016201; [monograph], according to the following order: author, year, book name, edition number (city of publishing: publisher), page numbers of the starting page and ending page, e.g. [1] Bloembergen N 1965 Nonlinear Optics (New York: Benjamin) p12
(III) Copyright Notice
The long abstract is purported for promoting academic interaction. This conference will apply the form of “paper abstract collection,” covering all the long abstracts that meet the conference interaction requirements for communication purpose. This collection is not related to the copyrights of collected papers.
For those papers, of which the long abstracts are assessed as excellent, the conference will recommend the full paper to :
1)<Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica> for publication (the publication fees shall be borne by the author). If the paper is accepted by <Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica>, it will also be available for retrieval in China Core Journal Alternative Database, CNKI, China Academic Journal (CD ver.), and China Science and Technology Journal Database;
2)<Energy Materials>for publication (the publication fees shall be borne by the author).<Energy Materials> will publish a special issue for the conference, and representatives are welcome to submit. The submission link for the special issue is: https://energymaterj.com/journal/special_detail/1561 After the submitted paper is reviewed, the accepted paper will be published in the official journal and enjoy a 20% discount on the layout fee.
China Renewable Energy Society
China Renewble Energy Society PV Committee
Address: 6 North Ertiao, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing
Phone: 010-82547025
E-mail: cres-pv@mail.iee.ac.cn
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